Available for widespread use

VERA License

Commercial Licensing

VERA is available for widespread distribution within a nuclear industry organization through a commercial site license. In addition to a site license, High Performance Computing (HPC) access through Idaho National Laboratory will be available for all VERA users within an organization. More information concerning HPC use can be found on this site in Resources. The software package features extensive documentation that includes user, theory, verification & validation, and installation manuals.

Individual License

VERA is available as a private distribution through the Radiation Safety Information Computing Center (RSICC). Distribution is currently limited to US citizens and legal permanent residents residing in the US under Test & Evaluation or Government Use license terms. VERA licensing is per individual; users must sign a license agreement and an export control agreement prior to receiving access to the code. CASL reserves the right to approve each request. The software package features extensive documentation that includes user, theory, verification & validation, and installation manuals.

User support links

Questions, issues, bugs, and suggestions should be reported to [email protected]. Every effort will be made to respond to any requests within a reasonable period. Due to active development efforts, users may experience some delays. 

System Requirements

Linux platforms with functioning gcc, g++, and gfortran compilers and X11 libraries are supported.  For quarter-core simulations of commercial reactor problems, with fidelity consistent with CASL analyses, a minimum of approximately 500 compute cores are needed with approximately 4 GB memory available per core. 1000 cores are recommended for these problems. When running VERA with VERAShift excore calculations, another 100-400 cores are recommended.

This distribution has been tested and verified to install and execute on the following OS distributions:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 7.4
  • RedHat 7.4
  • SUSE 3.0.101
  • SUSE 3.0.76
  • Ubuntu 16.04.2