- Gehin, J.C., CASL Program Highlights July 2015, July 30, 2015, 2015.
- Athe, P., and N. Dinh, A Framework for Predictive Capability Maturity Quantification, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Blyth, T.S., M.N. Avramova and R. Salko, CASL CFD-Informed Spacer Grid Models in CTF (Poster), CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Brown, C.S., and I.A. Bolotnov, Analysis of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Spectrum in Single and Two-Phase Bubbly Flows in Different Geometries Based on Direct Numerical Simulation Results, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Carasik, L., and Y.A. Hassan, CFD Simulations of Experiments in a Twin Jet Water Facility, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Ducru, P., J.A. Walsh, W. Boyd, S. Shaner, S. Harper, C. Josey, M. Ellis, N. Horelik, B. Forget, K.S. Smith, B.R. Herman and P.K. Romano, The OpenMC Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Fang, J., and I.A. Bolotnov, Development of Advanced Analysis Tools for Interface Tracking Simulations, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Fitzgerald, A.P., B. Kochunas, D.R. Jabaay and T.J. Downar, Modeling Boiling Water Reactor Designs using MPACT, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Graham, A.M., T.J. Downar and B.S. Collins, Rod Cusping Treatment in MPACT, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Gurecky, W., Development of a MCNP6 – ANSYS FLUENT Multiphysics Coupling Capability, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Jin, M., and M.P. Short, Study on Two-Phase Fluid and Heat Transfer Regimes in CRUD, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Khuwaileh, B.A., and P.J. Turinsky, Scalable Reduced Order Modeling Based Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Larzelere, A., J.C. Gehin, P. Turinsky, D. Ingersoll, J. Turner, A. Godfrey, N. Capps, M. Zikry, E. Baglietto, I.A. Bolotnov, G. Tryggvason, W. Martin, T. Evans, B. Collins, B. Kochunas, J. Secker, B. Wirth, G. Swindlehurst, N. Dinh, K. Clarno, S. Palmtag, V. Mousseau, D. Hussey and R. Montgomery, CASL Symposium Presentations Collection, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Lewis, A., R. Smith, B. Williams and V. Figueroa, An Information Theoretic Approach to Use High-Fidelity Codes to Calibrate Low-Fidelity Codes, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Liu, Y., and N. Dinh, Treatment of Nucleation and Bubble Dynamics in High Heat Flux Boiling, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Rak, Z., and D.W. Brenner, Materials Processing and Optimization (MPO) / Fuels, Materials and Chemistry (FMC), CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Sarikurt, F.S., Erosion of a Stratified Layer by a Buoyant Jet in a Large Vessel, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Toth, A.R., T. Kelley and R.P. Pawlowski, Anderson Acceleration for Tiamat, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Wang, J., W. Martin and B.S. Collins, Sensitivity Study of MOC Parameters with VERA Benchmark Cases, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Weltman, L., CASL 2015 Symposium Photo Album, CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Wu, Q., and M.A. Zikry, High Temperature Fracture Behavior of Zircaloys Materials Processing and Optimization (MPO), CASL Symposium, July 7, 2015, Ashville, North Carolina, 2015.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL Program Highlights June 2015, June 30, 2015, 2015.
- Adams, B., and V. Mousseau, Credible Simulation, Emphasizing Sensitivity, Uncertainty, and Calibration, 2015 CASL Student Workshop, June 19, 2015, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2015.
- Stanek, C., Update on Anhomonic Entropic Effects on Zr-H System Thermodynamics, June 3, 2015, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 2015.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL Program Highlights May 2015, May 30, 2015, 2015.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL Program Highlights April 2015, April 30, 2015, 2015.
- Downar, T.J., Discussion of Pin-Resolved Validation, April 19, 2015, 2015.
- Evans, T., W. Joubert, S. Hamilton, S. Johnson, J. Turner, G. Davidson and T.M. Pandya, 3D Discrete Ordinates Reactor Assembly Calculations on GPUs, ANS MC2015 – Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, April 19, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL: Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors – A DOE Energy Innovation Hub, ANS MC2015 Joint Internation Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) Plenary Presentation, April 19, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015.
- Johnson, S., SHIFT: A New HPC Monte Carlo Package, ANS MC2015 – Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, April 19, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015.
- Stimpson, S.G., Improved Diffusion Coefficients for SPN Axial Solvers In the MPACT 2D/1D Method Applied to the AP1000® PWR Start-Up Core Models, ANS MC2015 – Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, April 19, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015.
- Montgomery, R., CASL Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) Workshop – Session 1: Physics and Methods, Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management V, April 1, 2015, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 2015.
- Montgomery, R., CASL Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) Workshop – Session 2: Hands-on Training, Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management V Conference, April 1, 2015, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 2015.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights March 2015, March 31, 2015, 2015.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights February 2015, February 28, 2015, 2015.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights January 2015, January 31, 2015, 2015.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL: Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors A DOE Energy Innovation Hub: Program Update, EPRI Fuel Reliability Program Action Plan Committee, January 28, 2015, 2015.
- Smith, K., Advances in Reactor Physics and Computational Science, Physor 2014 International Conference, “The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future:, January 7, 2015, Kyoto, Japan, 2015.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights December 2014, December 2014, 2014.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights November 2014, November 30, 2014, 2014.
- Thomas, A.M., Estimation of the Shear-Induced Lift Force on a Single Bubble in Laminar and Turbulent Shear Flows Using Interface Tracking Approach, 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 20, 2014, Anaheim, California, 2014.
- Graham, A.M., MPACT Development, November 11, 2014, Anaheim, California, 2014.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Program Highlights October 2014, October 31, 2014, 2014.
- Shirvan, K., Fuel Performance with BISON, October 31, 2014, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2014.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL Overview at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Meeting on Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Concepts for LWRs, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Meeting on Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Concepts for LWRs, October 16, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 2014.
- Feldman, H., and B. Mervin, Consortium for Advanced Simulation of LWRs Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Workshop on High Performance Computing and Modeling Simulation, EPRI High Performance Capabilities Workshop, October 14, 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014.
- Kothe, D.B., and J.C. Gehin, Douglas Kothe and Jess Gehin at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, October 6, 2014, Champaign, Illinois, 2014.
- Willert, J.A., Increased Efficiency and Functionality Inside the Moment-Based Accelerated Thermal Radiation Transport Algorithm, September 5, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Franceschini, F., M. Kromar, D. Ćalić, A. Godfrey, B.S. Collins, T.M. Evans and J.C. Gehin, Simulation of the NPP KRSKO Startup Core with CASL Core Simulator, VERA-CS, Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), September 1, 2014, Portorož, Slovenia, 2014.
- Lowrie, R.B., Code Saturne: EDF’s General Purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Software, August 24, 2014, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2014.
- Kothe, D., CASL Photo Book, August 7, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Stimpson, S.G., The SPn Axial Transport Solver for 2D/1D in MPACT, 2014 Summer Research Participant Poster Session- Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 7, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Toth, A.R., A One-Dimensional Analysis of Anderson Acceleration for Coupled Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic Calculations in a Light Water Reactor, 2014 Summer Research Participant Poster Session- Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 7, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Blyth, T.S., CFD-Informed Spacer Grid Model Implementation in COBRA-TF, Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 4, 2014, Oak Ridge, Tennesseee, 2014.
- Frick, K., HYDRA-TH Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT), Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 4, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Graham, A.M., Rod Cusping Treatment in MPACT, Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 4, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Gurecky, W., Watts Bar Unit 1 MCNPX Simulations with KENO-VI Comparisons, Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 4, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Jambrina, A.G., Boron Tracking and Precipitation Model in CTF, Nuclear Engineering Student Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS), August 4, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL Overview to Dr. Ellen Williams, Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Energy, Department of Energy, Presentation to Dr. Ellen Williams, Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Energy, Department of Energy, June 13, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL Overview to His Excellency, Czech Amassador Petr Gandalovič, Ambassador of The Czech Republic Mrs. Pavlina Gandalovičova, Presentation to His Excellency, Czech Amassador Petr Gandalovič, Ambassador of The Czech Republic Mrs. Pavlina Gandalovičova, June 13, 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Stanek, C., Improving Reactor Performance with Predictive Science-based Simulation Technology that Harnesses World-Class Computer Power, June 2, 2014, 2014.
- Lee, S., CASL Institutional Computing Report, CY 2013, Report for Institutional Computing, An Annual Requirement, May 27, 2014, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 2014.
- Kothe, D., Toward Predictive Modeling of Nuclear Reactor Performance: Application Development Experiences, Challenges, and Plans in CASL, LSU Mardi Gras Seminar, 2014 – Application Development for Exascale Computing, March 27, 2014, Baton Rouge, LA, 2014.
- Kothe, D., Guest Speaker Presentation at 69th Annual Meeting of the ORAU Council of Sponsoring Institutions, Oak Ridge, TN, 69th Annual Meeting of the ORAU Council of Sponsoring Institutions, March 5, 2014, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2014.
- Gehin, J.C., The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors – A DOE Energy Innovation Hub – Technical Society Meeting of Knoxville, NRC Meeting, March 3, 2014, NRC Headquarters, Rockville, Maryland, 2014.
- Kendrick, B., C. Stanek and M. Short, MAMBA (MPO Advanced Model for Boron Analysis), Development for CASL: Update and Applications, EPRI-PTAC Meeting, February 27, 2014, San Antonio, Texas, 2014.
- Kothe, D., CASL NEI Summit Presentation: University-Industry-Laboratory Partnerships: Gauging Effectiveness, 9th Biennial Nuclear Energy Research & Development (R&D) Summit, February 26, 2014, Washington, DC, 2014.
- Ferroni, P., Nuclear Energy Institute 2014 R&D Summit “Innovation and Collaboration”, 9th Biennial Nuclear Energy Research & Development Summit, February 25, 2014, Washington DC, 2014.
- Montgomery, R., An Industry-National Laboratory -University Modeling and Simulation Partnership in Progress: TVA Perspective, 2014 The Nuclear Energy (NEI) Research & Development (R&D) Summit, February 25, 2014, Washington, DC, 2014.
- Kothe, D., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors – A US DOE Energy Innovation Hub, CASL – A US DOE Energy Innovation Hub, University of Notre Dame, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, February 18, 2014, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2014.
- Christon, M.A., Overview of Thermal Hydraulics and Hydra-TH Capabilities, Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) Industry and NRC Coordination Meeting, December 13, 2013, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 2013.
- Baglietto, E., Better Reactors Grow From Better Simulation, December 9, 2013, Shanghai, China, 2013.
- Stanek, C.D., B.K. Kendrick and B.D. Wirth, Materials Performance Optimization (MPO), with an Emphasis on MAMBA, Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) Industry and NRC Coordination Meeting, December 3, 2013, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 2013.
- Turinsky, P., Modeling & Simulation Goals and Accomplishments, Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo, October 27, 2013, Paris, France, 2013.
- Franceschini, F., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors – A DOE Energy Innovation Hub, Industry Fellows Forum, Northrop Grumman, October 7, 2013, Redondo Beach, California, 2013.
Willert, J.A., D. Knoll, R. Park and C.T. Kelley, Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Solutions to the Neutron Transport k-Eigenvalue Problem with a Comparison to Pure Monte Carlo Solutions, September 16, 2013, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2013.
Subramanian, G., Coupling the Elasticity and Diffusion Problems, Weidlinger Associates Incorporated, July 31, 2013, New York, New York, 2013.
- Tryggvason, G., J. Lu, S. Biswas, and A. Esmaeeli, Direct Numerical Simulation of Bubbly Flows, Young Investigators’ Summer Program, July 15, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2013.
- Bartlett, R., Lean/Agile Principles and Practices for Developing Quality Scientific Software, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2013.
- Bolotnov, I.A., and G. Tryggvason, Multi-Phase Flow: Direct Numerical Simulation, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2013.
- Kothe, D., and P. Turinsky, CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors A DOE Energy Innovation Hub, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2013.
- Pawlowski, R.P., S.R. Slattery and R. Bartlett, A CASL Multiphysics Code Coupling Primer: Software Integration 101 (SAND2013-5908C), CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 201, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2013.
- Short, M., Finding the Cure for CRUD: Combined Simulations & Experiments at CASL & MIT, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge, TN, 2013., 2013.
Wiegand, G., Southern States Energy-Not Quite in Step with the National Energy Actions, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 9, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 2013.
- Adams, B.D., Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methods, CASL Education Council Summer Student Workshop 2013, July 8, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2013.
Adams, B., Toward Credible Simulation, CSRI Summer Seminar Series, July 4, 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2013.
- Dinh, T., A. Bui and H. Lee, Collecting and Characterizing Validation Data to Support Advanced Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, ASME 2013 Verification and Validation Symposium, May 22, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2013.
- Tryggvason, G., Multiscale Consideration in DNS Studies of Multiphase Flows, School of Engineering and Applied Science Event, George Washington University, Mechanical Engineering, Washington, DC, May 6, 2013, Washington, DC, 2013.
Adams, B., Uncertainty Quantification for Credible Simulation, Sandia National Laboratories Outreach to North Carolina State University, May 3, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2013.
Podowski, M., Importance of Coupling between Modeling and Computational Issues in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Simulations, Two-Phase Flow Workshop, North Carolina State University, May 2, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2013.
Sung, Y., PWR Fuel-Related 2-Phase Challenge Problems, North Carolina State University, Two-Phase Flow Workshop, North Carolina State University, May 2, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2013.
Tryggvason, G., Status Report: Workshop on Two-Phase Flows, North Carolina State University, Two-Phase Flow Workshop, North Carolina State University, May 2, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2013.
Subramanian, G., Coupling the Elasticity and Diffusion Problems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisiana, April 30, 2013, Lafayette, Louisiana, 2013.
- Kelley, C., J. Willert, D. Knoll, R. Park and X. Chen, Newton’s Method for Monte-Carlo Based Residuals, City College of New York, April 25, 2013, New York, New York, 2013.
Short, M., D. Andersson, B. Kendrick, C. Stanek, D. Gaston, C. Permann, T. Besmann, D. Shin, D. Hussey, I. Dumnernchanvanit, A. Dykhuis, W. Li, E. Paramonova, X. Qian, Y. Yang, J. Buongiorno, J. Li, B. Yildiz, S. Yip, D. Brenner, C. O’Brien, B. Collins, A. Manera and V. Petrov, Linking Length Scales, Simulations, and Experiments in the Study of PWR Fuel CRUD, April 19, 2013, Hanyang University,Seoul, Korea, 2013.
- Golubov, S., S. Barashev and R. Stroller, Generalization of the ORNL Radiation Growth Model for Zr-Based Materials to Account for Internal and External Stresses, April 12, 2013, 2013.
Wirth, B., C. Stanek, N. Capps, R. Montgomery, J. Rashid, D. Sunderland, D. Gaston, J. Hales, R. Martineau, R. Williamson, K. Edsinger, B. Kendrick, M. Short, S. Sham and D. Hussey, Modeling Nuclear Fuel Performance from Atoms to Assemblies: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities, Glenn T. Seaborg Center Symposium, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, April 3, 2013, Berkeley, California, 2013.
Tryggvason, G., Direct Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flows, Proceedings of the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, 2013, March 20, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, 2013.
- Weltman, L., and R. Montgomery, Improving Reactor Performance, March 19, 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 2013.
Short, M., D. Andersson, B. Kendrick, C. Stanek, D. Gaston, C. Permann, T. Besmann, D. Shin and D. Hussey, Linking Length Scales, Simulations, and Experiments in the Study of PWR Fuel CRUD, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2013 Global R&D Trends-Implications for Material Sciences. 142nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 3, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, 2013.
Subramanian, G., Recent Progress in Coupling Atomistic Simulations with Polycrystal Plasticity, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, February 28, 2013, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 2013.
- Kothe, D.B., CASL: A DOE Energy Innovation Hub – RPI Lahey Seminar, Troy, New York, RPI Lahey Seminar, February 20, 2013, Troy, New York, 2013.
Tryggvason, G., Multiscale Consideration in DNS Studies of Multiphase Flows, R. Pelz Memorial Lecture, Mechanical Engineering, Rutgers University, January 30, 2013, Piscataway, New York, 2013.
- Tryggvason, G., Multiscale Consideration in Direct Numeric Simulation Studies of Multiphase Flows, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, January 30, 2013, Rutgers University, Highland Park, New Jersey, United States, 2013.
Short, M., D. Andersson, B. Kendrick, C. Stanek, D. Gaston, C. Permann, T. Besmann, D. Shin, D. Hussey, I. Dumnernchanvanit, J. Li, W. Li, E. Paramonova, X. Qian, S. Yip, D. Brenner, C. O’Brien, B. Collins, A. Manera and V. Petrov, Linking Length Scales, Simulations, and Experiments in the Study of PWR Fuel CRUD, Tokyo Institute of Technology & CRINES, January 23, 2013, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
Short, M., D. Andersson, B. Kendrick, C. Stanek, D. Gaston, C. Permann, T. Besmann, D. Shin, D. Hussey, I. Dumnernchanvanit, J. Li, W. Li, E. Paramonova, X. Qian, S. Yip, D. Brenner, C. O’Brien, B. Collins, A. Manera and V. Petrov, Linking Length Scales, Simulations, and Experiments in the Study of PWR Fuel CRUD, 2013 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), January 21, 2013, Yokohama, Japan, 2013.
- Kelley, C.T., J. Willert, D. Knoll and R. Park, A Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Method for Solving the k-Eigenvalue Problem with a Comparison to Analog Monte Carlo Solutions, Setptember 2013, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 2013.
Podowski, M., Toward the Development of a Virtual Reactor: Modeling and Computational Issues in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, December 7, 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2012.
- Gehin, J.C., CASL NRC Commissioner Technical Seminar, CASL / NRC Meeting, November 30, 2012, 2012.
Kelley, C., Randomized Nonlinear Equations in Neutronics, Eleventh International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, October 19, 2012, Guilin, China, 2012.
Wirth, B., C. Stanek and D. Xu, Multiscale Investigation of Irradiation Effects in Fuel, Clad and Structural Materials, Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, October 18, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012.
Short, M., D. Gaston, C. Permann, D. Andersson, B. Kendrick, C. Stanek, J. Li, W. Li, X. Qian, S. Yip, D. Brenner, C. O’Brien, T. Besmann, D. Shin, B. Collins, A. Manera and V. Petrov, Linking Length Scales with CRUD in CASL, the DOE Energy Innovation Hub, MMM 2012 – 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, October 15, 2012, Biopolis, Singapore, 2012.
Kelley, C., Randomized Nonlinear Equations in Neutronics, Purdue University Applied Mathematics Seminar, September 7, 2012, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2012.
Kelley, C., J. Willert, D. Knoll, R. Park and X. Chen, Hybrid Monte-Carlo Deterministic Algorithm for Neutron Transport, Purdue University Applied Mathematics Seminar, Purdue University, September 7, 2012, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2012.
Jokisaari, A., and K. Thornton, Phase Field Modeling of Zirconium Hydride Nucleation in Zirconium, Tensor Mechanics Development Meeting, September 5, 2012, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, 2012.
Nourgaliev, R., M. Christon and R. Lowrie, Multiphase Flow in Hydra-TH, Two-Phase Flow Workshop, North Carolina State University, July 12, 2012, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2012.
Tryggvason, G., DNS of Multiphase Flows, Two-Phase Flow Workshop, North Carolina State University, July 12, 2012, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2012.
Kelley, C., Randomized Nonlinear Equations in Neutronics, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, July 3, 2012, Livermore, California, 2012.
- Martin, W., S. Wilderman, F. Brown and G. Yesilyurt, Progress with On-the-Fly Doppler Broadening in MCNP, 2012 American Nuclear Society Summer Meeting, June 24, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, 2012.
- Wirth, B., C.R. Stanek, R. Montgomery, R. Williamson, J. Hales, D. Gaston, B. Spencer, R. Martineau, D. Sunderland, J. Rashid, B. Kendrick, M. Short, K. Edsinger and D. Hussey, 3-Dimensional, High Resolution Nuclear Fuel Performance Model Development: Pellet-Clad Interaction and CRUD, EFRC Summer School 2012, June 15, 2012, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2012.
Wirth, B., D. Xu and C. Stanek, Modeling Irradiation Damage: Multiscale Investigation to Understand Materials Behavior in Nuclear Environments, MeV Summer School, June 14, 2012, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2012.
- Kothe, D., CASL Round Table Meeting Presentations – July 11, 2012, CASL Round Table Meeting, June 11, 2012, Virtual Meeting, 2012.
- Subramanian, G., Atomistically Informed Model of Creep in Zirconium, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, May 31, 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2012.
Kelley, C.T., Randomized Nonlinear Equations in Neutronics, Second Workshop on Computational Mathematics, May 25, 2012, Hong Kong, China, 2012.
Kelley, C., J. Willert, D. Knoll, R. Park and X. Chen, Hybrid Monte-Carlo Deterministic Algorithm for Neutron Transport, Applied Math Seminar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, May 25, 2012, Livermore, California, 2012.
Buongiorno, J., Study of Boiling Phenomena through Direct Numerical Simulations and Synchronized High-Speed Video, Infra-red Thermometry and PIV, City College of New York, May 10, 2012, New York, New York, 2012.
Bolotnov, I., Role of Multiphase Turbulence and Thermal Hydraulic Methods in Reactor Simulation, CASL Education Webinar, April 27, 2012, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2012.
Buongiorno, J., Advanced Diagnostics and Simulations for the Study of Boiling Heat Transfer Phenomena, Advanced Diagnostics and Simulations, University of Houston, April 26, 2012, Houston, Texas, 2012.
Eldred, M., E. Phipps and K. Dalbey, Adjoint Enhancement within Global Stochastic Methods, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, April 2, 2012, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2012.
Wirth, B., C.R. Stanek, R. Montgomery, R. Williamson, J. Hales, D. Gaston, R. Martineau, D. Sunderland, J. Rashid, B. Kendrick, M. Short, K. Edsinger and D. Hussey, High Fidelity Fuel Performance Model Development: Focus on Benchmark & Validation Activities for PCI and CRUD, Nuclear Reactor Summit, March 20, 2012, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2012.
- Chatzikyriakou, D., J. Buongiorno and D. Lakehal, Solution Verification Applied to TransAT Calculations of a Smooth-Wall Turbulent Channel Flow using LES, February 28, 2012, 2012.
- Eldred, M.S., and E.T. Phipps, Scalable Collocation Methods Using a Combination of Krylov Basis Recycling and Adjoint Enhancement, 2012 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Savannah, GA, February 15, 2012, Savannah, Georgia, 2012.
Adams, B., Applied Mathematical Sciences at Sandia, Loyola University, February 7, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, 2012.
Jokisaari, A., and K. Thornton, Phase Field Modeling of Zirconium Hydride Precipitation and Growth in Zirconium: Application to LWRs, Hydrax Development Meeting, January 25, 2012, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 2012.
- Copps, K.D., GTRF CFD-to-Mechanics Data Tranfer Verification, October 31, 2011, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2011.
- Kothe, D., HPC2 – High Performance Computation Conference Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Providing Competitive Advantage to Industry through High-Performance Computing: Accomplishments and a Path Forward, October 27, 2011, Troy, New York, 2011.
Turinsky, P., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors: A DOE Energy Innovation Hub for Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Reactors, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, October 24, 2011, Daejeon, South Korea, 2011.
- Bolotnov, I.A., ITM Benchmark #1: PHASTA Results – Presentation Slides, September 30, 2011, 2011.
Buongiorno, J., Advanced Experimental Methods for Boiling Heat Transfer, Course on Multiphase Flow and Boiling Heat Transfer, Modern Approach and Recent Advances, September 19, 2011, Troy, New York, 2011.
Secker, J., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, Westinghouse Technology Users Group, August 28, 2011, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 2011.
- Lowrie, R.B., NEPTUNE Multi-phase Local Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), August 24, 2011, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2011.
- Kothe, D., B. Adams, E. Baglietto, C. Baker, C. Beard, K. Beatty, K. Belcourt, J. Billings, R. Brewster, J. Buongiorno, M. Carelli, B. Collins, B. Coulter, E. Cyr, G. Davidson, N. Dinh, T. Downar, K. Edsinger, T. Evans, J. Gehin, J. Gilligan, S. Hess, P. Hilton, M. Hursin, Z. Karoutas, D. Kelly, B. Kochunas, A. Lewis, R.B. Lowrie, W. Martin, R.C. Martineau, R. Milanova, R. Montgomery, S. Palmtag, D. Paterline, R.P. Pawlowski, S. Ray, B. Rider, R. Schmidt, J. Secker, J. Shadid, S. Slattery, T. Smith, C.D. Stanek, J. Stewart, R. Summers, Y. Sung, R. Szilard, G. Tryggvason, P. Turinsky, D. Turner, J. Turner, J. Wagner, P. Weber, J. Westacott, B. Williams, B. Wirth and J. Yan, CASL Round Table Meeting Presentations – August 9-11, 2011, CASL Round Table Meeting, August 11, 2011, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2011.
Karoutas, Z., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, Westinghouse Technology Users Group, August 28, 2011, August 1, 2011, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 2011.
- Franceschini, F., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors: A DOE Energy Innovation Hub for Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Reactors, Industry Fellows Forum, Northrop Grumman at Redondo Beach, CA., July 19, 2011, Redondo Beach, California, 2011.
Turinsky, P., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors: A DOE Energy Innovation Hub for Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Reactors, MeV Summer School, Argonne National Laboratory, July 19, 2011, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, 2011.
Tryggvason, G., Direct Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flows, 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics – ICIAM 2011, July 18, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2011.
Rider, W., Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VUQ), CASL Summer Student Workshop, July 11, 2011, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2011.
- Downar, T., B. Kochunas, R. Brewster and E. Baglietto, Full-core 3D MOC Transport (2D/1D, Pin-resolved) Capability with T-H Coupling, June 30, 2011, 2011.
- Adams, B.D., Managing Complexity in Simulation-based Uncertainty Quantification, CSRI Summer Seminar Series, June 8, 2011, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2011.
Rider, W.J., Preliminary Solution Verification of Drekar Simulation of Vortex Shedding, June 2011, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2011.
- Adams, B., Managing Complexity in Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification, Workshop on Future Directions in Applied Mathematics, Raleigh, NC, May 3, 2011, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2011.
Evans, T.M., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, Neutronics and 3D Sn Transport, HPC Users Forum, Houston, TX, April 6, 2011, Houston, Texas, 2011.
- Adams, B., Achieving Credible, Science-Based Predictions, March 31, 2011, 2011.
Adams, B.D., DAKOTA Overview and Application Examples, SCALE Group/RNSD/ORNL, March 8, 2011, Oak Ridge, Tennesseee, 2011.
Gehin, J.C., CASL Overview for NRC Commissioner William Magwood in Everest, CASL Overview in Everest for Commissioner Magwood, March 3, 2011, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2011.
- Mercer, S., Energy Innovation Hub for Modeling and Simulation, February 15, 2011, 2011.
Karoutas, Z., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, NRC at Westinghouse Fuel Update Meeting, February 1, 2011, Rockville, Maryland, 2011.
Adams, B., DAKOTA Overview and Application Examples, January 26, 2011, 2011.
- Wirth, B., H. Lee and D. Xu, Multiscale Investigation of Irradiation Effects in Fuel, Clad and Structural Materials, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, January 21, 2011, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2011.
- Schmidt, R., Port and Integrate Base-line WEC Codes into VERA/LIME, January 12, 2011, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2011.
- Schmidt, R., Port and Integrate Base-line WEC Codes into VERA/LIME – VRI Physics Simulation Suite Project, December 31, 2010, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2010.
- Lowrie, R.B., Thermal Hydraulics Development for CASL, Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation(NEAMS) & CASL Meeting. Los Alamos Report LA-UR-10-08101, December 10, 2010, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, 2010.
- Buongiorno, J., Advanced Computational Methods and Diagnostics for Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Third International Forum on Multidisiplinary Education and Research Center for Energy Science, Global COE, December 9, 2010, Ishiaki-jima Island, Okinawa, Japan, 2010.
- Rider, W., Analysis and Verification of Numerical Methods Outside the Asymptotic Range, November 10, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2010.
- Gehin, J., Advanced Modeling Applications, CASL Panel Session, 2010 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, November 7, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2010.
Karoutas, Z., J. Secker, D. Mitchell and E. Lahoda, CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors Challenge Problems, MIT seminar, November 1, 2010, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2010.
Gehin, J., CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, NRC Meeting, October 28, 2010, NRC Headquarters, Rockville, Maryland, 2010.
Rider, W., Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Verification & Validation, Modeling, Experiment, and Validation Summer School, July 23, 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2010.
- Rider, W., A Rogue’s Gallery of V&V Practice, Modeling, Experiment, and Validation Summer School, July 23, 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2010.
- Adams, B., DAKOTA Capability Overview, CASL/VRI Workshop, January 26, 2010, Westinghouse, Columbia, South Carolina, 2010.