The Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications

VERA is a leader in the development of safer and more efficient nuclear reactor technology.

About VERA

US Department of Energy (DOE) established the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) in 2010 with a mission to support the nuclear industry. The CASL project developed the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications, or VERA, which can simulate the operation of an entire reactor down to the characteristics of a single fuel rod, significantly exceeding the resolution of industry tools. VERA represents the cutting edge in light water reactor modeling and simulation, and can be used to solve a variety of reactor performance challenges. VERA integrates physics components based on science-based models, state-of-the-art numerical methods, and modern computational science, and is verified and validated using data from operating reactors, single-effect experiments, and integral tests.

VERA Code Suite

VERA tools and supporting infrastructure can be used to solve neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, fuel performance, and coupled physics problems with advanced uncertainty quantification tools. VERA integrates physics components based on science-based models, state-of-the-art numerical methods, and modern computational science, and is verified and validated using data from operating PWRs, single-effect experiments, and integral tests. VERA is optimized for efficient execution on multiple platforms, including leadership-class computers, advanced architecture platforms now under development, and industrial engineering workstation clusters. VERA’s integrated, coupled solutions provide a more realistic representation of the reactor’s behavior. VERA is developing and applying models, methods, data, and understanding to accelerate future advances in the development of this cleaner energy source.